

Celebració de Halloween

31st October. Yes, Halloween again!! This year we celebrated with our Tourism students with a fun-filled exciting party. There were some happy witches, horrific skeletons and other interesting characters walking around. Our first-year students entertained us with a presentation on this celebration around the world: The Hungry Ghost Festival in China, Samhain in Ireland and Scotland, Halloween in  USA, Día de los Muertos in Mexico and Dzień Zaduszny in Poland. We learned about the origins of these festivals, the activities that are organised (parades, offerings, dances, fireworks, floating candles, decorating tombs…) and the special food that is prepared on the occasion.

On the other hand, our second-year students prepared some spooky dishes and participated in our Master-Halloween contest. This year our three special awards went to: Ariadna Serrano, for “The Most Delicious Dish”, Ariadna Pérez, for “The Most Terrific Presentation”, and Laura Moreno, for “The Most Elaborate Dish”. It was a very close vote because all the participants regaled us with fantastic dishes.  Altogether a great Halloween party (and a bit scary too!).

Children entertained the parents who were watching with some Halloween songs and then proceeded to walk around the school parading their costumes. After the parade, children and parents adjourned to their respective classroom for a Pot Luck Party.

The parents of the children in KG 1, made a mother and child craft making activity. They were given cutout papers to put together to make a witches face.

Whilst the KG 2 students impressed their parents with their oratory skills in the Show & Tell Activity done in the class.

After the activities parents enjoyed the delicious food that they had so generously brought. The children had a wonderful time and parents too were seen smiling


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Graduat ESO



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